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Online Psychiatry Miami
Are you referred to as the crazy one?
Have you ever been referred to as crazy? They actually not saying you are mentally deranged, it could be they were talking about your stand point on an issue, your insistence on staying in a current relationship, or the risk you were currently contemplating. Crazy is used a lot, but its meaning and application might differ. How do we know when and where to use the word. A quick dictionary search for the word reveals that its application varies to a large extent, some common applications include;
- Elevated state of excitement
- Mental disorder, usually in an aggressive or excess form
- Appearing weird or not in line with the norms
About one fifth of American adults suffer from one sort of mental illness or another. They might not exhibit some of the types of crazy highlight above, but they actually suffer from one form of mental illness. It is a known fact that about 20 percent of Adults in America suffer from either bipolar disorder, depression or schizophrenia (examples of mental illness).
There is every likelihood that you have referred to someone displaying some sort of weird or strange behaviour as crazy, and the natural reaction is to avoid the person by staying away from the person.
What if you aren't interacting with someone who is suffering from any form mental illness, in what ways can you associate with such a person in a manner that their response triggers a certain level of curiosity in you and you want to know more about the person, rather than walking away?
There are several reason why you might have a reaction to someone's action, some of which include;
- They are being too dramatic with their actions and emotions
- They aren't making any sense whatsoever
- You most definitely won't do thing their way
- This is the first time you are witnessing such erratic behaviour
- They make you scared
- Their actions are offensive and quite disturbing
- They don't see things from your view point or you both have different mind-sets
In most situations, these crazy actions might be as a result of a difference you the way you perceive things to be and how you actually handle situations. Let's use the political climate as an example; if you share an ideology which is quite different from folks in the opposition, they might quite rightly think you are crazy or out of touch with reality. It is quite natural for someone who doesn't share your viewpoint to see you as weird.
How about rather than viewing them as being weird or crazy, you could actually learn a thing or two from them? Have considered looking at thing from his point of view, you might be surprised you would get to learn a thing or two about him that you might not have known. In what ways can you be more receptive to weird behaviour and identify when it does occur?
Thing that could make one act in a 'weird' or 'crazy' manner;
- Anxiety: Those who find themselves running late for an appointment and there is every tendency that they may not meet up could start displaying signs of erratic behaviour. The things is that rushing doesn't get you to where you need to be faster than normal, rather it create some sort of negative impression to those around you currently.
- High stress levels: not everyone deals with stress in the same manner, some can handle being stressed in their stride while others tend to react erratically. It is always useful if you could employ stress management technique like mindfulness and meditation to help relieve some of the stress.
- Poor level of education: we all differ in our level of education and enlightenment, some of use might have experienced higher levels of education but are still not able to conduct ourselves and deal with events in our environments in an appropriate and objective manner.
- Prior experience: some upbringings might not be ideal and people tend to grow with ugly experiences. They take these experiences with them everywhere they go and in most cases it doesn't serve them well, and the sad part is they find it difficult to let go of such beliefs and ideas.
- Lack of clarity and information: holding on to strong belief and not being able to let go due to the way we perceive the world to be, they is a lack of objectivity in their line of thought and reasoning that makes them not to react in an objective manner.
- Poor communication skills: some people find it difficult communicating their thoughts and ideas onto others. In most cases they tend to shield their thoughts and true feelings from other. It leads to negativity and mistrust in some cases.
- Fear: this is the most singular motivating factor for unwelcome behaviour. There are different forms of fear, there is the fear of death, fear of being embarrassed, and fear of losing a loved one. These different forms of fear could get us to act irrationally at times thereby exhibiting 'crazy' behaviour.
The instances highlighted above are just some of the things that drive irrational behaviour which could in some cases be seen as weird or crazy. Humans in general are bound to depict these behaviour at certain period or another. In order to avoid such encounters in future, try as much as possible to ensure you look beneath the surface to find out what is really going on. This kind of assessment is usually referred to as care and compassions. It lets one transition from a negative state to positive one, which is the essence of objectivity.
Online Psyciatrist Miami provides psyciatrist in the Miami area.