Anxiety / Panic Attacks
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Anxiety Treatment Pembroke Pines


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Anxiety / Panic Attacks

Anxiety is an unrequited response from the brain to particular situations that we may be uncomfortable in. This, for most people, is a daily occurrence. However, for other people, this is a serious issue that disrupts their daily life. Anxiety attacks occur when the anxiety becomes difficult to handle and the brain decides to take a temporary break.

Panic attacks are a similar phenomenon where there is an abrupt feeling of fear and worry that stays for a long time. Anything can set off panic attacks, even social situations that are mildly uncomfortable can lead to a panic attack.

Symptoms of Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety disorders are not caused by weakness, character flaws, or weak genetics, but due to conditions such as environmental stress, alteration in the brain, and other disorders like post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

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Symptoms of Anxiety Disorders


The cause of anxiety disorders is different for everyone, but studies show that some factors are environmental stress, changes in the brain chemistry, gender dysphoria and other disorders like post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).


A specific situation may trigger an anxiety or panic attack because it is somehow related to a certain traumatic experience. Listed below are several symptoms that may help you indicate anxiety disorders:


Symptoms of these anxiety attacks are:


  • ● Nervousness or fear
  • ● Insomnia
  • ● Dizziness
  • ● Nausea
  • ● Hyperventilation
  • ● Muscular problems
  • ● Heart palpitations